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Scaling Up with Expo for React Native Mobile Apps

Expo is a great delivery system for getting React Native mobile apps off the ground and into the hands of users. If I were to do it all over again, here is what I would have loved to know ahead of time! Words! Standalone App

Expo build command throws errors

When working with different SDKs of Expo, switching the existing repo will cause watchman and various caches to be out of sync. Running the various clearing commands doesn’t seem to resolve it. The build process is best done when you run a cache cleared instance

Sending Angular $http POST Data to PHP

In the case of sending form data in Angular, $http POST data information is serialized as “application/json” which is not interpretable by PHP. You have to transform the request (the form data object) into a format that it understands. The easiest way is to configure the

Code Examples: CSS Squares

Back in the 2000s, creative agency websites really liked the grid effect where you would hover over a block in a grid and that block would expand into some content.  Of course then, people would use Flash or some complicated jQuery contraption.  I created my

Ride Sharing and the Future Urban Fabric

I felt this TechCrunch article “Ride Sharing Will Give Us Back Our Cities” jumped the gun for me on issues of land use equity.  Planners have to be skeptical about how technology will change the landscape.  Our own foray into technology, the freeway, created an

How to Quickly Backup and Restore MAMP’s phpMyAdmin Databases

It took me some Googling to nail down the question “Where does MAMP’s phpMyAdmin (PMA) store mysql databases in OSX?” so I thought I’d summarize my findings.  The reason mysqldump isn’t as convenient is that MAMP is purposely GUI-focused, so switching brains and trying to navigate

Google Maps Marker Toggle Code Example

As a followup to my strangely popular KML Toggle example on Google Maps, someone has prompted me to do a Marker Toggle code example.  I’m pretty late to the game to notice that Google updated some of the Maps library syntax, you can now for

Full Stack Analogy for Dummies

I was discussing web programming with a bunch of urban planners only to find blank stares. To laypersons, the web is like a magical television feed that pipes into their computer screens from far away.  In reality, a web is a simple set of instructions

jQuery Handling of CSS Classes

Though CSS3 transition animation support is still a little wonky, it’s getting better every day.  I’ve decided to pass all animation handling to CSS versus previously using jQuery’s fade functions.   jQuery is now simply the trigger, adding and removing classes. Example: Fading Modal Box A

Get template name in WordPress

Generating the template name isn’t really a big deal, globally it’s available via echo get_option(‘current_page_template’). But in this case, when I was generating a slideshow of multiple pages, I needed to pass the slideshow query to it. So I had to write up my own